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My Story

My story begins with my dad.  In his later years he decided to take up knife making.  Mostly he bought blades and put various handles on them.  He preferred using antler but he dabbled in some acrylic handles also.  When he passed away I inherited his knife making supplies and a couple of knives that were in the process of being finished.  I decided to complete the knives as kind of a way to honor my dad and in the process I discovered a new passion.

I started slow doing some handle replacements for some old kitchen knives.  Then buying some pre-made blades and putting various handles on them.

Now I make all my blades and handles from scratch and by hand.  I use high carbon steel and I cut out the shapes using an angle grinder and belt sander.  I form and bevel the blades by hand with grinders and files.  They are quench hardened to 55 to 60 Rockwell C.  My knives are designed for real work... hunting, fishing, the shop, and the kitchen.


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